Latest Read, Get the Picture

Another wintery outing to a fantastic event called, “Just One of Those Things,” at Joe’s Pub, House of Speak Easy for storytelling by best selling author, Bianca Bosker (her new book is Picture Perfect) and Roz Chast (I Must Be Dreaming), staff cartoonist for the New Yorker…along with two other authors, Benjamin Dryer (Dreyer’s English) and Ava Chin (Mott Street).
Joe’s is the ideal set up for dinner theater. It’s a phenomenal venue because it’s spacious, yet still intimate. The service is terrific and the food and wine selections pair well with the atmosphere. Everyone around me was RAVING about the fries!
Bianca’s first book, Cork Dork, inspired me to explore wine with more direction and depth after I read it the first time, and now as I read it again, it’s a reminder that I know absolutely nothing despite my efforts, and to continue the endless amount of learning, tasting and visiting the wineries whenever I can (and in moderation, of course!).
I’m well into Bianca’s new book, Picture Perfect, and it’s a joyful, insightful read and a real peek into the contemporary art world. Extra points for being mostly NYC based, so far. My main take away is that gaining context from the artist’s background, and understanding the idea behind the actual execution of the painting, connects you to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the artwork. Sounds so simple, right? Sometimes I do this, and oftentimes I don’t give the art a chance if it doesn’t immediately captivate me…..….